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This collection of galleries highlights my skills in science communication, digital photography with natural light and UV light, CT scanning and editing, 3D printing, histology, scanning electron microscopy, and data analysis and visualization. Clicking on the images on this page will route you to a more extensive gallery of images I have produced or visualizations I have made.

TED-Ed Lesson: Pharyngeal Jaws

Click on the Image below to be directed to more information about my TED-ED lesson on Pharyngeal Jaws. I wrote the script and the lesson plan materials for this lesson.

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CT Scanning

I use CT scanning to measure morphological variation in the pectoral fins and jaws of fish. Click on the image below to see a gallery of my CT scans


Data Challenges

I have competed in and won two data challenges. These experiences allowed me to expand my coding and analysis skills. Click the image below to see my entries for both competitions.



Click on the image below to view the gallery of images I produced during the first iteration of the Biological Imaging Apprenticeship at Friday Harbor Labs. 



I learned to do histology during the Biological Imaging apprenticeship at Friday Harbor Labs, In this gallery are some of the images I created from my slides.

mushroom gills.png

Scanning Electron Microscopy

SEM was another skill I learned during the biological imaging apprenticeship at Friday Harbor Labs. In this gallery are my collection of images taken using the scanning electron microscope and edited using Pixlr.


© Darien Satterfield

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